Saturday, 5 January 2008

First Post - Don't expect too much...

Yeah yeah, I know, nothing much to see here in this post, but hopefully it'll be one of many. Can't commit to writing on a regular basis though - life's too busy for that, so don't get on my case if it ain't updated regularly. We'll see how it goes.

So what's this blog all about ? Software Development of course, the trials and tribulations of, and the general mental state a software developer has (or gets!) during his working life.

Actually, I've just been asked by one of my colleagues what the hell I'm going to write about. I've even tried to get him to do one (a blog, that is...) and he said he didn't really know what he'd put on such a blog. Then I thought to myself, what am I going to write about ? Well, I don't know either, surprise surprise, so I'll write on here all that springs to mind, about anything that springs to mind, but it'll be largely software related since that's where I seem to spend most of my life!

I suppose one reason I decided to make a blog (on top of the suggestions (read 'demands') from others that I should make one) is that I can say what the hell I like (within reason). Web Forums are ok (and there are many that I frequent where I often simply have to keep my mouth shut) and one has to maintain a certain level of conduct/decency on them - a blog doesn't have those limits I suppose.

Anyway, if he does make his own blog, I'll give a link to it here and you can then all gain some insight into both our worlds (or have a laugh at our expense).

One thing I'd like to point out before I go any further (and I hope somewhere that there's a way to make this 'sticky' or something) is that the views and opinions I post are the views and opinions of me, and me only, and do not reflect views or opinions of anyone or anything else.

So folks, sit back, read at your leisure and enjoy the ride!


Disclaimer: The views and opinions I post are the views and opinions of me, and me only, and do not reflect views or opinions of anyone or anything else. Views and opinions are subject to change without notice!


Waywatcher said...

This should make for an interesting read :) Good luck and have fun 'blogging!

cornclose said...

I don't think I've ever been referred to as 'interesting' before Vox. Ever. I'll take it as a compliment! ;-)